How Partenamut is using interactive marketing to attract new customers. Its goals: better understand customers’ and potential customers’ expectations, generate leads and improve brand awareness. How? With interactive content to further engage its digital community. «Qualifio is an intuitive and ergonomic platform, allowing us to have an overview of all types of campaigns available and facilitating the creation of our marketing campaigns.»

Survey “Maxime milles bobos”
1. Interact: Partenamut conducted a survey asking its audience to rank the services and benefits they expect the most from their mutuality by order of preference.
2. Collect data: To validate their participation, participants had to fill out a form with their contact information and indicate whether they were already customers.
3. Personalise: Based on these opinions, the team was able to set up personalised display ads on Facebook and Google AdWords. A good way to reach potential customers and increase click through rate! For its future lead generation campaigns, the team plans to create segments and retarget those with a personalised message in line with their expectations.

Photo contest “Partenamut sponsors your school”
1. Context: As part of its “Eat Better Challenge” project supporting an healthier diet, Partenamut launched the “Eat healthier at school” challenge via a photo contest. Nursery and primary schools were invited to develop a class project around the theme of children’s diet at school, with up to € 3,000 euros to reward the best projects.
2. Each school had to publish an original picture illustrating their project and invite as many people as possible to like their photo on Facebook. The 20 most popular photos were then submitted to an external jury who chose the winners. The campaign became viral and allowed Partenamut to mobilise schools, and sensitise parents and students to an healthier diet.

Team advice: Attract prospects and customers with content that encourages interaction and makes them feel special. It will allow you to increase your conversion rates, but also to retain customers.

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