A personalised customer journey based on data

In our e-book Fashion e-commerce: 6 reasons to integrate interactive marketing in your digital strategy, we told you about brands such as LolaLiza, Le Slip Français or the Hanes group who, in order to attract their consumers’ attention and communicate with them in a meaningful way, have left behind static content in favour of more interactive and personalised experiences.

In this case study, we spoke to Coralie Debrichy, CRM coordinator at LolaLiza, to find out more about their digital strategy and how the brand is using interactive marketing content. In 2020, the CRM team decided to opt for the Qualifio solution in order to achieve five different objectives: 

  1. Recruit new users (editor’s note: prospects or customers in LolaLiza’s CRM) 
  2. Reach a younger audience
  3. Collect valuable and exploitable first- and zero-party data 
  4. Increase their notoriety and visibility 
  5. Personalise their content

“We try to make campaigns that are out of the ordinary and to communicate as much as possible with our target audience, whether on our social media channels or via our newsletter. The games created with Qualifio every month help us in this process.”
Coralie Debrichy, CRM coordinator @ LolaLiza

For each of these objectives, LolaLiza has put in place specific actions and a strategy in which interactivity plays a key role. Read on to find out more! ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️