? LOSC have been crowned Ligue 1 champions, ten years after they were last champions. Besides being champions on the pitch, the northern French football club based in Lille is also a high achiever in terms of digital marketing and supporter engagement. To celebrate both achievements, we’ve built a success story to show you how they are performing in the digital marketing arena.

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Like most industries in the past year, the world of football has not been spared the repercussions of the sanitary crisis. With stadiums being closed and international championships being halted, the relationship between clubs and their fans has been all the more difficult to maintain. And sponsors have struggled in the same way, as they have lost a fair share of their visibility. Football clubs have had to adapt and be creative, reinforcing their online and social media presence. From contests to quizzes and email campaigns, there is a wide range of digital initiatives for clubs to choose from.


To avoid their relationship with their fans being negatively affected, LOSC have relied heavily on their online presence and interactions, thanks partly to the Qualifio platform. The club have been using Qualifio’s interactive formats since July 2019 to:

  • Engage with their community of fans;
  • Bring their supporters closer together and reinforce the feeling of belonging to the club;
  • Recruit new supporters and increase newsletter opt-ins.

Find out in this customer story how LOSC have used games and interactive campaigns throughout the year to reach their marketing goals.

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