We’re so excited to share the latest new feature in Qualifio: quiz questions with an instant check. This new feature lets participants type in an answer which is validated instantly. This brings even more possibilities of quiz configuration!

You’ve probably seen a “Can you match the quote to the film it belongs to?” quiz go viral and been amazed at the shares and traffic it attracted.

Quizzes are catchy, highly shareable pieces of content.

Quizzes have been popular for some time now, and with good reason. They’re catchy, highly shareable pieces of content. And they can be much more than just questions and answers. They’re a great way to learn about new topics, and it allows you to engage your audience with something fun.

Creating a quiz will help you

  • capture qualified leads who care what you have to say, in a creative and fun way and for a fraction of the cost,
  • collect valuable data and gain customer insights to learn about your audience,
  • increase brand awareness by enhancing your visibility to more people and involving them with your brand,
  • boost social media following: if done right, social media quizzes can be a fun way to spark a conversation and create a sense of community.

Whether you want to collect data, spread brand awareness or engage visitors with awesome content, we guarantee there’s something for you in using quizzes!

New quiz feature: instant answer check in Qualifio

The true power of a quiz lies in its addictive nature, and thus in its potential for boosting your engagement rate. So, how can you make a quiz even more interactive and fun to complete?

We’ve implemented a feature that will help you do just that. With the instant answer check, you can create interactive quiz questions that evaluate the answers instantly, making it easy to provide participants with the opportunity to “redo” the question.

Make your quiz stand out with instant answer check

So what’s new?

  • Our newest quiz question type has primarily been designed to let participants type any answer and get an instant check as to whether they got it right, which many of you have asked for.
  • Additionally, with the instant check, you allow redo: participants can attempt the question an unlimited number of times. Because sometimes, you just want to tell people they are wrong (or right), without having to move on to the next question right away.
  • And it gets better! To improve the experience for the participants, you can also add fun hints or extra information to add another dimension to your quiz.
  • Last but not least, you can decide if you want participants to be able to view their score or if you’d rather keep them to yourself until the end.

If you’re not already a Qualifio user, why not take advantage of our free personalised demo today, risk-free? Get started.

What can I make with the instant answer check?

So, now you’re probably wondering how you’re going to use this fabulous feature. Not able to spend time thinking of quiz ideas? The good news is you don’t have to start from scratch! There are a lot of things you can do with this and we’ve got plenty of quiz ideas that you can use as such or customise to fit your unique topic.

Let’s kickstart our brainstorming session with the first example!

1. Sport quizzes

The next World Cup might not be just around the corner, but it doesn’t matter. Interactive content around the tournament doesn’t have to wait for 2022! Celebrate star players and bring your (social media) fans together by testing their football knowledge:

Sport quiz with instant answer check: Can you name these players who scored in a World Cup final?

Similarly, you can create a unique interactive experience for Tour de France. Just like for the World Cup, you can engage your target audience all year round with quizzes about the legendary race.

Sports quiz with instant answer check: who are the biggest stage winners of the Tour de France?

Tip: In this particular example, we used a cumulative quiz to motivate participants. Quizzes with cumulative points make it possible to answer different quiz questions over several days to aggregate the total score and reveal a final winner at the end!

2. Music quizzes

Instead of telling you how addictive quizzes can be, let us show you. Take this epic 90s music quiz and see if you can guess the songs based on their initials.

Tip: Need a hint? In addition to text, you can use images in questions, in answers, or both. In the example above, pictures were added to the answers and show the artists, so as to make the quiz easier to complete.

3. Picture quizzes

Picture quizzes are probably the most common and easiest of all. This one features dog breeds, but you could use pictures of celebrities, politicians, cars and many other ones!

Picture quiz with instant answer check: Can you name the breed of this dog?

This third example couldn’t be simpler! Create your quiz, enter your question text, upload your image and add the correct answer.

Tip: To make your quiz even more interesting, Qualifio can randomise questions for you. Questions will be changed for every participant taking the quiz and for every attempt they make. Of course, you can also have the quiz organised in a fixed order if you’d prefer.

4. Escape room game

There are many great examples of providing immediate feedback on answers, and one of our favourites challenges participants to escape from a haunted place! A marketing campaign idea that might get you inspired for Halloween…


Tip: When you’re creating a quiz, you can combine different question types. Use the instant check as part as a more extensive quiz, combine it with other question types, or simply on its own.

5. Food quizzes

Global markets have made it possible to enjoy some strictly seasonal foods year-round. But are radishes really at their prime in the winter? Teach your community about the seasonality of food with this educational quiz. Guaranteed to make participants veeeery hungry!

Food quiz: Do you know which foods are in season?

Tip: Gamify your quizzes to increase engagement! Here, we’ve added a timer to limit the time period that is required to complete the question, as well as a leaderboard as gamification element.

6. Movie quizzes

Movie quizzes can be about superheroes, James Bond, Disney movies, fictional worlds, biopics, horror films, ‘80s movies and much more. In this example, you have to guess 30 movie references from one image. Have fun with it and get your score!

(function(b,o,n,u,s){var a,t;a=b.createElement(u);a.async=1;a.src=s;t=b.getElementsByTagName(u)[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(a,t);o[n]=o[n]||[]}) (document,window,’_qual_async’,’script’,’//qualifioshowcases.qualifioapp.com/kit/qualp.2.min.js’);
_qual_async.push([‘init’, ‘ws/load.cfm’, ‘qualifio-‘, false]);
_qual_async.push([‘createIframe’, ‘qualifio_insert_place_816781’, ‘qualifioshowcases.qualifioapp.com’, ’20’, ‘BA89CC6B-3E12-41C6-8B55-E7D9F5CCB0E4’, ‘100%’, ‘1200’, ”, ”, ”, ‘max-width:690px;margin:0 auto;’]);

  •  30 movie references are hidden in this image.Will you be able to find them?

Tip: Use our intuitive campaign builder to craft friendly end-messages (which can be triggered based on the participants’ individual scores) and personalised follow-up emails.

7. Travel quizzes

A lot of people had to cancel their vacation due to coronavirus. Featuring images from around the world, this quiz example includes famous landmarks and offers participants the chance to travel without leaving their couch!

Travel quiz: Can you guess these famous landmarks?

Tip: When you analyse your statistics, you’ll get individual scores for each person that took the quiz.

Create your own quiz

By now, you’ve seen our eight favourite quiz examples, which you can use in order to connect with your audience and create interactive experiences.

With Qualifio, there are endless possibilities, so you can really create your own quiz to fit your audience’s needs.

You’ll find the instant check feature inside the Questions step. We’re pretty sure you’re going to want to get into the details right away — learn more about creating quiz questions with an instant check by visiting our Help Center.

Wrapping up

That’s about all there is to it! We’re glad you made it this far and we hope you enjoyed today’s article. For more tips, stay tuned to the Qualifio newsletter.

We can’t thank you enough for all of the feedback and feature requests which you take the time to send us. We’re very fortunate to have a customer community with lots of great ideas. We keep a list of every single feature request we get at Qualifio. If you ask for something, it will be written down and (hopefully) built. Thanks to everyone who requested an instant answer check for quizzes, we’ve implemented it and here it is in all its glory!

Have an idea of how we can make Qualifio quizzes even better? Drop us a line at product@qualifio.fidelodev.be. Our Product Team reads and replies to everyone!