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Gift guide

Create a dynamic gift guide that generates relevant suggestions based on the participant’s answers about the personality, interests and requirements of the gift recipient. Highlight best matches and add clear call-to-action buttons to allow users to end the test with a purchase on your online store for example.

Key features

  • Display customised offers according to the profile of each player
  • “Smart” guide thanks to conditional branching (questions adapted according to participants’ answers)
  • Different questions and answers formats (click on image, checkboxes, text fields, dropdown lists, etc.)
  • Target your ads according to the profile of each player
  • Identified or anonymous participation
  • Customise the social media share
  • Unlimited number of questions and profiles


Discover how to create a gift guide in Qualifio.

Live campaign
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
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