For BilletRé, the sanitary crisis has had a tangible impact on the engagement with its newsletter subscribers and social media followers. The website, which sells tickets for shows and events all over France, aims for authenticity in its communications and is working to create more qualitative and interactive promotional actions for its partners.

Every day, BilletRé references thousands of events throughout France (plays, shows, leisure activities, festivals, concerts). Through its advertising, CRM and social media actions, BilletRé develops the visibility of its catalogue events and strengthens their conversion potential. For one of its long-standing partners, BilletRé decided to carry out a unique action with the help of the Qualifio Engage platform.

Offer qualitative and interactive promotional actions

For the premiere of their long-time client’s play, BilletRé wanted to offer an original promotional action and develop its professional support. This resulted in the creation of a quiz offering participants the chance to win two tickets for the premiere of the show and two VIP tickets to the cocktail party at the end of the play, in the presence of the actors. For Florent Demeure, marketing project manager at BilletRé, “the idea was to ask our client to promote BilletRé on its networks, encourage people to book on our website, and on our side, it was an opportunity to do a bit of eventing, and to offer something different, by organising a VIP evening”. The quiz attracted more than 1,000 participants, and 59% of them signed up for BilletRé’s newsletter to receive good deals on outings. In terms of visibility and image, this type of loyalty action also helps the website a lot, and it has received very positive feedback from participants via email.



According to Florent Demeure, more and more partners are interested in quizzes, contests and actions that stand out from the crowd to promote their various events. “Recently, we had a great support plan with a Parisian theatre for one of their plays. We went to the theatre, interviewed the artistic teams and produced a newsletter that was more editorial than commercial. Today, it is one of our objectives to offer promotional actions that are more elaborate, entertaining and inspiring”, says Florent Demeure.

Authenticity is the key to all communication

Talking to people and being authentic is Florent Demeure’s number one marketing tip. And BilletRé experienced this during the crisis. “During the periods when the venues were closed due to the sanitary crisis, we had to reinvent ourselves. Amongst other things, we decided to write a magazine-style newsletter talking about the plays we liked, relaying news and entertaining content that resonated with our brand personality, and it worked very well”, explains Florent Demeure. As a result, they have managed to stay in contact with their subscribers and have obtained very good results in terms of open rates, up to 20%.

BilletRé is not the only company for which the crisis has stimulated creativity. LOSC, Le Slip Français and NGroup also had to set their creativity free and adapt their communication actions to keep their communities engaged, with interactivity being one of their major assets.


Want to find out how other companies in the entertainment sector are using the Qualifio Engage platform in their digital strategy? Check out our article “Entertainment: 10 marketing campaigns to make your brand memorable“.