The GDPR celebrated its second year of entry into application, a time to stop and have a think about what has been achieved so far. What challenges are marketing professionals still facing? What are their most common questions?

The GDPR has changed the way we collect and process data over the past two years. Sanctions have been made against companies that aren’t compliant enough. Brexit has happened, so we’re waiting to see what’s going to happen to data protection in the UK. And much more is happening in the field.

In this ebook, we’re talking about the changes that the GDPR has brought this year and we’re also looking at the three main challenges facing marketers nowadays: the average level of knowledge of the GDPR, the concept of consent and the fact that GDPR isn’t just about consent.

Download now the ebook and discover: 

  1. Which challenges are still ahead of marketers
  2. What has changed during the first two years of the GDPR
  3. Some insights into the GDPR

Download the ebook