For the last 10 years, media companies have been facing a growing number of challenges to succeed in their digital transformation: declining audiences of traditional media, adaptation of the newsroom to new distribution channels and formats, difficulties to monetize content on web & mobile, fierce competition from Facebook & Google for advertising revenue, etc.


These challenges have been faced at all levels: newsroom, marketing, data, advertising sales… Ambitious projects have been launched and technical platforms have been adopted to adapt to these new, fast-changing realities: adoption of new publication tools, better knowledge and segmentation of audiences, new advertising formats, etc.

The adoption of the Qualifio platform within a publishing or media company contributes to answer some of these challenges:

  • Offer advertisers new, innovating, advertising formats, across multiple channels
  • Generate leads for funnel to convert free to paying customers
  • Bring more interactivity and virality to content
  • Better know and segment audiences

In this ebook, we put together some of the most successful campaign examples from our media customers, who opted for interactive contents instead of static ones in order to achieve their marketing goals.

Download the Ebook