Our CEO, Quentin Paquot (have you met him? If not take a look at this video!), tells the following story about when he first arrived at Qualifio:

Olivier Simonis (co-founder and Chairman of the Board) tells all new colleagues that ‘The most important thing at Qualifio is that you fit in with, live by and support our values and our culture’, so I’ve made it my personal mission to ensure that our values remain at the heart of everything we do.”

So it’s fair to say that our values are very important for everyone at Qualifio:

qualifio valuesWe recently took a closer look at 3 of our values: fun, creativity and togetherness. We looked at how we put them in place at work and what they mean for us in our day-to-day lives. Make sure you check out the article!

Today we’ll be focusing on the remaining 3 of our values: commitment, empowerment and transparency.

Let’s dive in!


At Qualifio, commitment means giving yourself the means to achieve your goals and fulfil your ambitions. It means putting everything in place so that we see our work through to the end and get things done. Everyone at the company is committed to fulfilling Qualifio’s potential and making it the best platform possible, constantly striving to deliver the best service to our customers and ensuring their success.

“Everyone has the opportunity to question their habits, processes and product functionality to achieve the highest level of service for our customers in the most efficient way.”
building customer loyalty
Jérôme Lemaire – Technical Project Manager, Qualifio (Louvain-la-Neuve)

qualifio values
Our commitment to our work is based on flexibility and trust – we can adapt our working hours to fit around everything else that is going on in life, and we are trusted to get our work done to a high level of quality and on time.

“I am always impressed by the commitment of the different teams at Qualifio and their willingness to achieve their goals. We are a software solution so there are sometimes technical/development emergencies, and I have great respect for our teams who solve these and to see how committed they are at times like that.”
building customer loyalty
Evelien Molenaar – Sales Manager, Qualifio (Amsterdam)

Everyone’s goal and top priority is to achieve the results we’ve set out to reach, so it’s up to each one of us to organise our time in order to allow this to happen. We all work from the office a minimum of two days a week, and after a couple of years not being able to be in the office it’s amazing to experience the buzz and the enthusiasm when the teams are back together.

The passion for our products is visible on all my colleagues’ faces. That shared motivation always gets us started, and I am even more impressed by our commitment and perseverance as challenges arise. They keep us striving to build the best possible solutions for our customers.
building customer loyalty
Arthur Jolly – Product Owner Qualifio Loyalty, Qualifio (Louvain-la-Neuve)

The company ethos is that we are result-driven and product and customer obsessed, and a high level of commitment is expected from everyone, so to ensure that we’re providing the highest level of service for our customers.

Take our amazing Helpdesk team for example, it takes them an average of 24 minutes to get back to a customer who is experiencing an issue on our platforms, and tickets are usually resolved within 24 hours.

Commitment means going the extra mile in our tasks every day, giving everything we’ve got and not settling for half measures.


qualifio values

“A company like Qualifio has no other option than to promote autonomy and empowerment. “Micro-managing” our employees would simply not be scalable !”
building customer loyalty
Laurent Mélon – CTO, Qualifio (Louvain-la-Neuve)

One of our mottos is “if you want to do something, you can!” We believe in giving all of our employees and customers the opportunity to grow and to excel themselves. If anyone fancies trying something new or taking the initiative on a new project, the floor is theirs! And if it doesn’t turn out that way they expected, that’s fine! You don’t learn and you don’t grow if you don’t try!

“I’ve felt heard since day one, at all levels, and at the same time I’ve been supported and challenged every day. Qualifio thrives thanks to the talent each of us brings to the table, and to do so, we are all given the freedom and tools we need to keep improving ourselves.”
building customer loyalty
Sonia Franco Ezquerro – Sales Development Representative, Qualifio (Madrid)

We’re all given multiple opportunities to speak up and challenge ourselves in our day-to-day work, during one-to-one meetings with the management team, or during our bi-annual assessments for example. On both these occasions the focus is placed on having open and honest conversations that lead to constructive and challenging outcomes.

“At Qualifio, each and every one of us has the opportunity, and is even encouraged, to suggest new ideas to improve our products, our processes, or basically anything! And these improvements can be carried out really quickly. We all have the ability to have a meaningful impact on the whole company in a matter of days. At Qualifio, an “oops” is always better than a ‘what if’!
building customer loyalty
Simon Thibert – Software Developer, Qualifio (Louvain-la-Neuve)

Qualifio’s ultimate goal is to offer the highest level of service to our customers, to make sure that they’re happy working with us. So we are constantly challenging ourselves to improve and grow our platforms and products. And this responsibility lies with each of us – together we go further!


Transparency is one of our values because everything within the company is shared. Our mindset is one of transparency, honesty and open-mindedness. We put the focus on collaboration rather than on hierarchy. Problems are solved together, and nothing is off the table, everything can be discussed. We have regular all-hands and company meetings where all the latest news and developments are discussed, and where all questions can be asked.

“Transparency is at the core of our culture and is an exercise of bravery. Transparency drives trust, and trust is the ingredient for empowerment. By empowering our colleagues, we reveal their talent, and that is what makes Qualifio what it is today.”
building customer loyalty
Antonio Molina Cubero – CMO, Qualifio (Louvain-la-Neuve)

Nothing is said behind closed doors, just as well our office is completely open-plan and there aren’t any private offices! From key figures, to results and big business decisions, and much more. Good, honest and open communication is key to our success.

“At Qualifio, nothing is off the table. All topics can be discussed either during one to one’s with your manager, or during larger sessions like the monthly company call. It’s your call to choose the format that suits you the best.”
building customer loyalty
Elsa Manolis – Business Project Manager, Qualifio (Louvain-la-Neuve)

qualifio values

This value is reflected in a lot of our activities:

  • We have a weekly Sales & Marketing meeting so that everyone starts off the week on the same page.
  • Company update and all-hands meetings are organised at regular intervals to keep everyone informed of what’s going on.
  • A monthly newsletter is sent out with information about what’s been going on in each department.
  • Everyone can attend the R&D Sprint Review meetings held every 2 weeks on a Friday, to keep up-to-date with all their latest news and developments.

“Having worked for larger companies during my previous experiences, I was amazed by how easy it was to build healthy, meaningful & constructive relationships with my co-workers & my managers as soon as I started working for Qualifio.”
building customer loyalty
Flavien Le Dréau – Sales Manager, Qualifio (Paris)

The relationships we build with our customers and partners are also based on honesty and transparency, in order to maintain the trust they have in us with handling their campaigns and data.

Give me more

press release

Read all about our creativity, fun and togetherness values!

If you missed the first 3 of our Qualifio values, fun, creativity and togetherness, you can find them here.

And don’t forget to take a look at our Culture Code booklet!

Are you looking for your next professional challenge and like the sound of Qualifio? We’re always on the lookout for tomorrow’s talented superstars and we’re recruiting for a wide range of profiles! Check them out here.