Halloween inspiration: be inspired by our scary marketing campaign ideas
It’s time to share with you our Halloween inspiration! We have gathered campaign ideas you can use for the spooky season. Quizzes and games of all kinds, if you don’t find your pleasure among these ideas, you can still create your campaign based on the 50+ interactive formats available in our catalogue or contact our Studio team to make yours based on your briefing.
Halloween inspiration: let’s start with six unique campaign ideas
1. A shell game: the spookyvator
You may have noticed in our summer or father’s day inspirations that we love to give our shell game format a twist to make it even more fun or unique 😏
In the campaign idea below, we have imagined a shell game in which participants are in an elevator and need to find the right exit so as not to be killed (it is Halloween, after all) and win the prize. So, instead of choosing between three identical containers, participants have to choose between three options to save their life: press on the elevator buttons, climb through the escape hatch or try to close the door.

We have a dedicated FAQ if you want to know more about how to create a shell game in Qualifio.
2. A rebus: guess the movie!
With the rebus, you “just” have to turn the text of your choice into pictures, numbers, letters or emojis and ask your audience to name the words represented. On our side, we chose to create a rebus based on horror movies 👻 Can you recognise the film behind these emojis?

P.S: the answer is the movie “The Sixth Sense”.
3. An escape game: escape the sharks
Another marketing campaign idea that might inspire you for Halloween is obviously the escape game. If you missed it, we’ve already created one that challenges participants to escape from a haunted hospital.
This time, we decided to challenge participants to escape from a cage in the sea surrounded by… sharks! We have included different types of question formats in this game: instant answer check, click on image, open question or even a puzzle.
Want to test the campaign in live? Dive in! ⬇️
4. A sudden death quiz: the candy quiz
What would your Halloween marketing campaigns be without a sudden death quiz? We agree! The sudden death quiz is highly challenging and well-suited to encourage participants to replay as they attempt to reach the final question. The participant is eliminated as soon as they give a wrong answer in this quiz type.
It’s your turn to play! Will you be able to reach the last question of this candy quiz? ⬇️
5. A personality test: which amusement park should you visit?
Halloween is also the time of the year when amusement parks explode with spooky festivities. That’s why we’ve imagined a personality test to find out which amusement park with the creepiest sets you should visit for Halloween. Fear not, this personality test can be launched by any brand or media group, not just amusement parks.

6. A wheel of fortune: the wheel of discounts
Don’t forget that our wonderful Studio team of talented graphic designers and project managers have created ready-to-use templates available on our platform based around Halloween.
You can find a great example below, used to create a wheel of fortune full of discounts! Choose the different discounts or prizes you want to hand out to your audience and set up your wheel to engage your audience for Halloween.

We also have ready-to-use templates for other formats like the jackpot!

Are you looking for other Halloween games or quizzes around zombies?
We have plenty of them in our other Halloween inspiration articles!
Halloween inspiration: some campaigns launched by our users
1. Tom&Co’s puzzle
Tom&Co, the store chain specialised in food, accessories and supplies for pets, challenged pet owners to rebuild a puzzle in a minimum of clicks for a chance to win €25 gift cards! Who doesn’t love puzzles? An easy-to-implement campaign, ideal for engaging your audience for an event like Halloween.

2. RC Toulon’s wheel of fortune
The rugby club RC Toulon used one of our ready-to-use templates available on our platform to create their wheel-of-fortune for Halloween. Fans could spin the wheel to win a lot of different prizes. They just had to fill out a form with their contact details before being able to turn the wheel. In this form, the club also included an opt-in for their newsletter to collect new subscribers.

3. Roole’s contest
Roole (ex Club identicar) is an automobile club in France taking care of all a driver’s needs. They partnered with different brands for Halloween to launch a unique contest full of exclusive prizes. To win one of these prizes, participants were challenged to guess the car hidden behind an image. An original game with appealing prizes to attract a maximum of prospects and customers!

Looking for other Halloween inspirations for your marketing campaigns?
We have plenty of campaign ideas in our other Halloween inspiration articles!